Spectrum Use Case

A major airline revamps its reservation system

The Problem

Soon after initiating this immense project, the company discovered a major communication gap between the various departments. Stakeholders had a tough time understanding where the responsibility lines were drawn. There was no solid process to coordinate efforts between the various teams. As a result, vendors were often given incomplete scopes of work.

They needed a solution to tighten internal approvals and scope coordination.

Spectrum dashboard

The solution

Now every scope change is entered in Spectrum. The right approvers are automatically identified. Once approved, the project proceeds to the right stakeholders. They, in turn, keep the implementation status up to date, and every stakeholder informed.

Test case: create a seat inventory system

The IT integration manager creates a new project in Spectrum to coordinate the development of a new seat inventory management system.

New Spectrum project
Spectrum project detail

A smooth flow

Once all the departmental approvals are granted, the Vendors Project Manager takes over and updates the status of the “Submission” tab. Once she is done, Brad, the Scheduling Manager, updates the status of the “Launch” tab.

Ultimately, the project is successfully completed.

Another Spectrum Case

Procurement gets its house in order

The Procurement department faces an onslaught of requests. It seems like every other employee wants to buy a new software tool...

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